I Want To Sell My Note - FAQs
“I want to sell my note” is a request frequently made by clients of DICARO & ASSOCIATES, LLC. Whether it’s a seasoned note holder or someone who has recently acquired a note, they all want to know, “How will I benefit when I sell my note?”
We here at DICARO & ASSOCIATES feel it is important for note holders to have adequate information to maximize the benefits of being a note holder.
Why should I sell my note?
If you are in need of a substantial amount of cash to accomplish some major goal right now, selling your note would put the needed money in your pocket.
What advantages do I gain when I sell my note?
Not only does selling your note put money in your pocket, but, it also frees you from the responsibility and worry that comes with owning a note.
1. You no longer have to worry about collecting monthly payments or servicing your note.
2. You don’t have to worry about whether the taxes and insurance premiums are being paid each year to protect your investment.
3. There is no longer a need to worry about your purchaser continuing to make their payments.
4. You don’t have to worry about the payments you receive each month slipping away on life’s little expenses.
Who should I sell my note to?
You want to sell your note to a business that has experience and is trustworthy. You also want to look for a business that is flexible enough to tailor the purchase to meet your specific needs.
For additional information Call us at 1-888-279-1557 or Click To Learn More
We here at DICARO & ASSOCIATES feel it is important for note holders to have adequate information to maximize the benefits of being a note holder.
Why should I sell my note?
If you are in need of a substantial amount of cash to accomplish some major goal right now, selling your note would put the needed money in your pocket.
What advantages do I gain when I sell my note?
Not only does selling your note put money in your pocket, but, it also frees you from the responsibility and worry that comes with owning a note.
1. You no longer have to worry about collecting monthly payments or servicing your note.
2. You don’t have to worry about whether the taxes and insurance premiums are being paid each year to protect your investment.
3. There is no longer a need to worry about your purchaser continuing to make their payments.
4. You don’t have to worry about the payments you receive each month slipping away on life’s little expenses.
Who should I sell my note to?
You want to sell your note to a business that has experience and is trustworthy. You also want to look for a business that is flexible enough to tailor the purchase to meet your specific needs.
For additional information Call us at 1-888-279-1557 or Click To Learn More